CORNUS kousa x Rosy Teacups®

Another hybrid of C kousa x nutalli by Dr. Orton of Rutgers University. Rosy Teacups® has deep rose pink, overlapping bracts with red edges in late May to early June providing a long lasting bloom time of up to 3 weeks. Bright burgundy fall color provides another blast of color.

Product Description

Cornus kousa x Rosy Teacups® – Rosy Teacups® Chinese Dogwood

(‘KN144-2’ P.P. 26211)

Another hybrid of C kousa x nutalli by Dr. Orton of Rutgers University. Rosy Teacups® has deep rose pink, overlapping bracts with red edges in late May to early June providing a long-lasting bloom time of up to 3 weeks. Bright burgundy fall color provides another blast of color. Native to Japan, Korea and China.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade

Soil: Loam, Sand, High Organic Matter

Size: Height 20ft., Spread 20ft.

Zone: 5-6

Flower: Pink Showy Bracts

Bloom Time: Spring (Early, Mid, Late)

Attributes: Fall Foliage, Showy Bracts, Attracts Birds, Deer Tolerant, Edible Fruit