CEPHALOTAXUS harringtonia ‘Prostrata’

This low growing evergreen prefers light to moderate shade and is deer resistant. In full sun the foliage will be a light green. The glossy, deep green needles are borne on slightly arching branches giving it a graceful appearance.

Product Description

CEPHALOTAXUS harringtonia ‘Prostrata’ – Prostrate Plum Yew

This low-growing evergreen prefers light to moderate shade and is deer-resistant. In full sun the foliage will be a light green. The glossy, deep green needles are borne on slightly arching branches giving it a graceful appearance. The texture and neat habit make it useful in groupings or as a focal plant, especially at the edge of a woodland border, surrounding a patio, or along a walkway. Native to Asia.

Sun: Full Sun/Part Shade/Full Shade.

Soil: Clay, High Organic Matter, Loam, Sand, Well-Drained

Size: Height 2-3ft., Width 4-10ft.

Zone: 5-9

Flower: Insignificant

Bloom Time: 

Attributes: Deer Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Evergreen, Drought Resistance, Shade