CARYA laciniosa

Shellbark Hickory is the largest of the true hickories. The shellbark Hickory’s nut is larger than Shagbark Hickory and sweet and edible. Bark is similar to Shagbark Hickory on mature trees. Found on moist fertile soils of floodplains and bottomlands. Native to Ohio.

Product Description

CARYA laciniosa – Shellbark Hickory

Shellbark Hickory is the largest of the true hickories. The shellbark Hickory’s nut is larger than Shagbark Hickory and it is sweet and edible. The bark is similar to Shagbark Hickory on mature trees. Its wood is close-grained making it strong and flexible and resistant to storm damage. Shellbark has 7 (usually) leaflets, the nuts are larger (2″ long) and the twigs have orange lenticels on them. Found on moist fertile soils of floodplains and bottomlands. Native to Ohio.

Sun: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Soil: High Organic Matter, Loams

Size: Height 60-80ft., Width 60-70ft.

Zone: 4-8

Flower: Male and Female Catkins

Bloom Time: April- May

Attributes: Edible Fruit, Wildlife Food Source, Interesting Bark, Native